ICRO Warranty on window frames

The guarantee on the duration of the varnish for wooden windows and doors is often a difficult subject to read: finally, thanks to the varnishes and the guarantee drawn up by ICRO COATINGS, everything is simpler and clearer.

ICRO COATINGS has been testing its water-based varnishes to the most severe ageing tests for years. After a careful analysis of the results, it has been able to draw up a proper guarantee contract in accordance with the legal provisions and thus guaranteeing maximum protection for both parties.

A clear and exhaustive contract which ICRO COATINGS is in a position to sign with the producers of wooden frames and within which all the indispensable technical details are reported.

In this way, any other reference to other technical manuals which are not easy to consult or to find is overcome.

The guarantee, without maintenance, is:

  • 10 YEARS for wooden windows and doors
  • 7 YEARS for wooden shutter screens

With a painting cycle in just 3 layers:

  3. FINISH (stained or lacquered)

The ICRO COATINGS team is available through the CONTACT FORM or by sending an email to info@icro.it for any information about water-based coatings for wooden windows and the whole range of wood coatings and metal coatings.